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 - Added GETALTUSER statement to get the information for an alternate
   user.  It will fill the user variables with information from the
   specified user record as well as redirect user statements and
   functions.  Thank David for this one guys, he did the hard work, I
   just hooked it into PPL.  The syntax is:

    GETALTUSER userRecordNumber

   If an attempt is made to get a record number that doesn't exist, the
   user functions will revert to the current user and the user
   variables will be invalidated as though no GETUSER/GETALTUSER
   statement had been issued (though they will continue to maintain
   any value held). PUTUSER/PUTALTUSER should be issued to commit any
   variable changes to the user record.  Additionally, there is at
   least one statement that will not affect alternate users:  ADJTIME.
   It is restricted to the current user online.  Also, if the
   alternate user is online, changes to the record won't take hold
   until after the user has logged off.  Also, if there is not enough
   memory available (primarily for the last message read pointers)
   this statement will fail.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson